individual sample meaning in Chinese
- Because some rivers have more than one sampling station , wqo compliance for these rivers is expressed as an average of the annual compliance rate of all its individual sampling stations
由于大部分河溪设有多个监测站,河溪则以各抽样站位达标率的平均值作河溪的全年水质指标达标率。 - Meanwhile , caused by the stochastic disturbances and measurement errors , monitoring model based on single measurement value of individual sampling time tends to lack credibility and stability , and can ' t reflect the overall phase - specific operation state
同时,由于各种随机扰动的影响及测量误差的存在,针对单一采样时刻的过程测量值进行建模往往不能保证足够的可靠性与稳定性,无法实时反映过程时段整体运行情况。 - In a view of regional economy growth , the forth chapter analyzes the significance and active role that small and medium sized technology - based enterprises play in regional economy development and the economic restructuring . by question - and - answer surveys and the analysis of individual sample evidence , the case study of zhejiang province reveals that there exists a significant correlation between the development of small and medium sized technology - based enterprises and the regional economy growth . with the orientation of knowledge , technology , and personnel resources towards different priority areas within this province , an economy is appearing in zhejiang province that is based on intellectual resources and intellectual capital
以浙江省为例,通过问卷调查结果分析和个案剖析,揭示了科技型中小企业发展状况与区域经济增长之间的存在显著相关性,指出伴随着知识、技术和人才在浙江不同区域的聚集,以知识资源和知识资产为基础的经济在浙江已开始显现出来,科技型中小企业已经成为浙江省经济快速增长的重要推动力,它的发展状况已经影响着浙江经济增长的质量和产业结构的调整。 - Primers of ecori were signed with fluorescent dye and four pairs of primers were selected from twenty - four pairs . 261 dna fragments were generated by the four pairs of primers in forty - three individuals sampled . percentage of polymorphic bands is 51 % , the value of shannon index ( i ) is 0 . 086 and nei ' s gene diversity ( h ) is 0 . 151
统计这些aflp表型带标记,用popgene软件计算各种多样性数据( ppb值为51 , shannon多样性指数为0 . 086 , nei ' s基因多样性值为0 . 151 ) :用ntsys软件计算各个样品间的相似性系数,并用upgma法基于相似性系数进行聚类分析,构建树状图,它们可反映出元宝山冷杉种群内个体间的遗传关系。 - The results showed that the mean proportion of polymorphic loci ( ppb ) of anabasis aphylla , which comprised 3 subpopulations ( 58 individuals sampled ) , generated by 16 primers was 94 . 56 % , the value of ppb of ceratocarpus arenarius , which had 4 subpopulations ( 80 individuals sampled ) , using 16 primers was 98 . 00 % . the paper had proved that the higher genetic diversity and the genetic differentiation existed in the populations of boih anabasis aphylla and ceratocarpus arenarius , while the latter had much more genetic diversity than the former . moreover , the study discussed the shannon information index and nei ' s gene diversity index of the two species natural populations , which indicated that there were more genetic variations within the subpopu
另外,通过rapd资料的聚类分析及相关性分析研究,发现无叶假木贼和角果藜自然种群的遗传结构与绿洲沙漠过渡带的微生境生态因子(主要是土壤因子)相关,其中无叶假木贼亚种群遗传多样性水平不仅与土壤含水量( w ) 、钾钠离子浓度( k + na )和氯离子浓度( cl )呈显著的正相关( p 0 . 05 ) ,还与土壤中有机质( som ) 、全氮( nt )和全磷( pt )含量呈显著的负相关;同时,角果藜种群的遗传多样性水平与土壤中有机质( som )和全氮( nt )含量呈显著的正相关,而与co _ 3 ~ ( 2 - )浓度呈显著的负相关;除此之外,其它土壤生态因子与两物种遗传多样性水平的相关性均不显著(卜0 . 05 ) 。